Friday, January 17, 2014

Ready For Baby

We are as set as we can be. And now the waiting begins. This baby is coming, but it's anyone's guess as to when it is going to make its grand appearance.

As of Wednesday's doctor's appointment I am 2.5 cm dilated. Which really is nothing. I could be this way for weeks. Weeks I tell you! But we hope it is a big sooner than that because I am getting very uncomfortable. Everything wears me out and I can't do much any more. Which makes me feel bad because Charming is already taking on a huge load and me being a lazy ass growing his child is not helping.

Since there is not much else to report other than we are in limbo until the Little Cupcake decides to greet the world, I am going to finally, finally show some pictures of the finished nursery. It came out pretty nice in my opinion. Very cozy and comfortable and ready for baby. Thanks to the VERY generous gifts from family, friends and coworkers, this room is pretty much my dream baby room. I love it and can't wait to have our bambino fall in love with it too. When it is conscious enough to like those kinds of things.

And for those that want the obligatory belly shot, here's the very sizable baby bump (more like woah baby bulge!) at nine and a half months.

There is definitely a baby in there! And so the waiting continues!

3 Sprinkles:

Anonymous said...

Congrats, you look awesome and so does the nursery. I really like that I don't know the sex of the baby yet, unless I missed something.

Cupcake Blonde said...

Nope, we don't know either! Have managed to keep it a surprise all this time. :)

pogonip said...

I keep waiting, thinking the big announcement has to come soon. Meanwhile I just love the Poohness of the nursery--it's beyond cute.

Gummy gets a hat btw--I'm just waiting to see if I'm crocheting it in pink or in blue!